From rags to riches? Really? No. To be honest, it just sounds like a cool name. A cool name for a website with cool content from a not-so-cool cyber security enthusiast.
I will be posting cyber security content as frequently as I can here, documenting things that I have learnt and have found very interesting. It will also push my comfort zone as I know that with this on the Internet, I will feel pressure to improve on my previous posts so, in a sense, I’ll be trying to outdo myself each time (because there’s no way that this could backfire!)
Just a reminder (primarily for myself) that this blog is going to be more of a log of my progress rather than a competition or anything else. Whether successful or not, each post will hopefully be eye-opening for me (and anyone who happens to read it) and will grant me a learning occasion I otherwise would not have experienced.
Blog posts will commence soon. Until then! 🙂